As we came to the bottom end of the valley we entered a narrow canyon whose passage would take us out to the intersection of Highways 20 and 16. Here we came upon the distressing sight of a cattle operation that was causing major stream degradation of Bear Valley Creek. All along this stretch the cattle were in the water or on the banks and we spotted at least two carcasses as well. The land and creek were signed private property along the road and I don't know enough about land use and water laws to know if this was something I could report to a management agency, let alone which agency I should contact. It was distressing after such a great day out and I will try and follow up on it. We did see a nice pair of Wood Ducks in a stretch that was not marred by the cattle.
From here we were back on main roads and followed Hwy. 16 down along Cache Creek and into Capay Valley. We stopped a few times to look at the creek which is surprisingly large for an east flowing stream. Checking my maps later I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised as it appears to be the outfall of Clear Lake. We eventually arrived back home in Napa at 5 pm. a full day's adventure in hand.