Sunday, December 18, 2011

Falcated Duck - Colusa National Wildlife Refuge

About a week ago the news of a Falcated Duck at Colusa National Wildlife Refuge came over the list serves.  Many birders have travelled since that time to see it including John Vanderpoel who is doing a North American big year and is now only 5 birds from the record. I was planning to take Pat with me last Sunday but the fact that it was not seen that Saturday kept us away.  Everyday since it has been cooperative and easily seen so I got up early and made the 2 hour drive arriving just at daybreak. Upon arriving it had been seen briefly a bit earlier and scanning I quickly found it again. It is a beautiful bird and it was quite fun to share it with the many people who arrived to see it in the course of the next several hours. I don't have powerful enough lenses for good pictures but the one above is the best of the ones I shot.  I continued around the auto tour route and I must say that it is a really good one.  I had an excellent Eurasian Wigeon and good looks at an American Bittern and Great-horned owl for my highlights.

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