Monday, January 2, 2023

A Day Out In Kern County To End The Year

I always enjoy visiting my mother-in-law who lives in Bakersfield because it's nice to see her, but also because it gives me a chance to do some birding in Kern County. The area around Bakersfield where she lives gets a bad rap but I find it to be just as beautiful in its own way as other parts of California. It is true that there are times of the year when the heat and the want of much greenery gives it an oppressive and perhaps ugly visage, but for most of the rest of the year it is quite beautiful. We are here at the turn of the year and recent rains have turned the hills around the central valley a lovely green color. As I often do when visiting, I drove Breckenridge Road east out of Bakersfield and all the way to the summit of the high ridge to the east of town. This gave me the chance to test out the all-terrain tires I just put on my truck as it brought me into the ice and snow up on the ridge.
Looking west from Lower Breckenridge Rd.

This road is just a one lane former stage road that parallels the massive Kern River trench just to the north and was once one of several ways to access the Walker Pass area to the east. Today it passes through mostly ranch land as it climbs its way into the extreme southwest corner of Sequoia National Forest and the clouds. On my way up and down the mountain I was treated to some gorgeous views back into valley with shafts of sunlight coming through the clouds to illuminate patches of the landscape far below. By the time I reached the top I was in the clouds and could feel the chill wind working its way through my clothing and warning me that the storm was coming.
A walk-a-bout near the ridge.

Shortly after cresting the first long climb and coming into the broad plateau that precedes the climb into the forest, I came upon an unusual pedestrian making his way slowly across the road. He/she was one of the 10 different species of Tarantulas found here in California. Easily recognizable at 20 mph, I stopped to have a look. He was one of the larger species being between 3 and 4 inches but I could not say which. I helped him off the road which was a good thing as a cattle truck came by shortly after and probably would have flattened him.


I saw may of the expected species of birds including a Barn Owl, Golden Eagle, Red-tailed Hawks, Kestrels, Say's Phoebes, Juncos, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Savannah Sparrows, about a thousand Ravens, and one rather hungry Roadrunner who crossed my path and worked the vegetation for a meal.

Another beautiful day out in this paradise we call California. An excellent way to end the year and with all the rain we have gotten and are supposed to get, an excellent omen for a spectacular spring.


  1. Love the Roadrunner. I am always surprised to see them in California. Hope the storms really do materialize.

  2. Nice, Chuck. Happy New Year.

  3. Thanks lads, All this rain is a good omen for a fabulous spring!

  4. And we will be out to enjoy that spring!

  5. "I was excited to see roadrunner, too--first non-animated one for me! Love reading the descriptions & seeing your awesome pics. Love, Lib"
